Treasure Valley GIS & Idaho Geospatial Council Meeting
Wednesday April 20 from 9-11:30 AM MTN
- 9:00 Welcome
- 9:10 Accessibility issues and solutions – Jessica McCall, Esri
- 9:45 What’s been going on with the IGC-EC? – Wilma Robertson
- 10:05 Break sponsored by the IGC-EC and TV GIS
- 10:20 IGC-EC Technical Working Group Updates - Various
- 10:50 Northern Rockies URISA Update - Dan Narsavage
- 11:00 TV GIS Update - Eric Wing
- 11:10 Round Robin
In person: Conference Room 214 on the second floor of building 8 on the Chinden Campus in Boise
11331 W. Chinden Blvd, Boise
Join Online Phone: 1-415-655-0001
passcode 24547409058
Visit for more information
Stay for pizza afterwards: our treat!